
Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Time for goals setting 2016


The last couple of years, I've intended  (I think I came through at least twice...) to update my goal progress at the end of each quarter.  I like sharing my goals with you (whoever is reading these posts) and I hope that you are encouraged to make your own goals for the year.  I feel spurred on to make more of an effort towards achieving my goals when I tell others about what I'm doing.

Our family has gone through so many changes the last couple of years; I never would have imagined being where we are. God has been teaching me more and more how trustworthy He is and that I need to fully depend on Him.  He is faithful and just, and cares about us so deeply.  I want my 2016 to be glorifying to Him, to be yielded to His plans and not my own.

Over the past several months, I have read several personal development books because I believe in always improving and working to learn new skills.  I've learned some things about myself, my work habits and attitudes that I never really understood previously.  For a long time, I have felt stifled and stuck in a box in my jobs and have had dreams and ideas of becoming an entrepreneur but I could not quite pin down my best idea, so I kept working my jobs.  I've been doing some brainstorming lately and reading a ton and I feel like I have narrowed it down but it's not ready to be shared just yet.

So, my first goal for 2016 is....Start a small business.   Do much more reading and research on the subject.  Test out some ideas on friends and family.  Drive down to a more specific niche and market.  Meet set financial goals for business.

Second goal....Read two non-fiction books per month, one of which should be either a biography or about a time in history.  This is not an ambitious goal for most of you, but I need to start somewhere.  I don't tend to make reading a priority, mostly because of the normally-crazy pace that we keep with careers and running after three kids.  I feel this goal is attainable and I don't want to set a crazy high bar for myself that I know I won't meet.

Third goal...Pay off last debt in Baby Step 2, our minivan.  We have been on this journey of paying off our debt since 2009, way longer than I thought it would be, but we have made a lot of progress with varying incomes over the years and this is our last one finally!

Fourth goal...Spiritual growth in discipline.  This one is not as measurable, obviously, but I have been praying over and working on my discipline for the past few months.  More specifically, with food choices and money spent on bad food choices.  Mostly fast food and eating out with my family.  Since I have been at home for the past three weeks, I have had a few temptations of impulse but have not given in!! That alone is a victory in itself.  Because I know that we won't be going out to eat much this year, I've allowed myself to buy treats at the grocery store that I never bought before.  I feel like it's still a better option to buy some less-than-superfood food from the store in lieu of fast food any day.

That's it for now.  I feel pretty good about these goals.  They're measurable, short-term, and attainable, yet still challenging, so I could use some accountability here, friends!  Please share your goals with me, too!

Happy New Year!


  1. I came across your blog tonight! Love your goals! They're very similar to mine! We should chat soon!

    Michelle Perrine

  2. Love this. I actually think two non-fiction books per month is a pretty lofty goal. Of course, I'm now a working mom with a 10 month old and my reading opportunities are few and far between these days. I hear you on your debt goals and congratulations on finally getting to the light at the end of the tunnel. I feel like every time we take two steps forward, we take one step back. Case in point, paid off the credit card yesterday - which I actually try to do monthly. A few hours later, needed a new septic pump at a cost of $475. I look forward to hearing more about your small business venture. Cheers to 2016!


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