
Monday, June 17, 2013

Father's Day Creations

It's always so difficult to get a nice picture where everyone is genuinely smiling.  See above photo as evidence.  

But, what's not difficult, is to get my boys to be creative.  And especially when they're making it for someone else.  Every year, it's difficult to determine what we should do for Hubs for Father's Day because he doesn't wear ties, he doesn't golf, and he has enough tools (except a new drill after one unnamed child accidentally threw his other one away).  So, when I saw these picture frames at Joann Fabrics last week on sale, I knew this was it.  They're nothing fancy but the boys had a lot of fun painting them.

The frames are just raw wood, so they're great for painting.  We only had fabric paints and finger paints at home, so we used a combo of those.  Since I can't really imagine a scenario in which the frame would get washed, I figured the washable finger paint would hold up.

They didn't come with glass, so we'll have to find some to put in them.  They decided to paint the paper in the middle, too.  At least they're thorough. 

We're going to pop in a picture of each of the boys and the frames will go on Hubs' desk at the church.  The boys were very proud of them and that's the most important thing about these homemade gifts; all the love that went into them.

What did you give to the fathers in your lives this year?

Happy Father's Day everyone!

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