
Monday, July 1, 2013

2nd Quarter Goals Update

It feels like it's been a long time since I've written an update on our 2013 goals and I guess it holds true because several of these have changed.


1. Get Hubs fundraised to 70% of budget - This has changed as he has stepped down from the ministry for which he needed to fundraise.  Now he is looking for a full-time or part-time at night position to accompany his children's ministry position.  Praying for this one!

2. Pay off credit card and NE - Ggy - Credit card was paid off a few months ago and then it got used again and is now paid off again.  I am having a hard time cutting this one up for some reason.  NE - Ggy will be on hold until Hubs gets into his new position.  Then we can resume the baby steps.

3. Lose the last 15 pounds and maintain. Workout twice per week - I forgot how quickly time passes when you aren't paying attention.  I thought I had plenty of time before summer to lose the last 15 since I lost the 45 so easily, thanks to breastfeeding.  Well, since that slowed down and is now over as of Calah's birthday, I have gained about 10 back, and in the past two weeks, I lost 2, so now I have a total of 23 pounds to go.  Still not too bad and I have been tracking my food for the past two weeks and it really seems to help with the motivation.  We played volleyball this spring and we went to practice most weeks. Plus I walk 1-2 times/day at work for 15 minutes and everything I do at home is a workout (Read: 3 kids 5 & under are a lot of work).  With the recent development of my hip problems, I hesitate to workout because I don't want to do any further damage.  Once we figure out a game plan, I will feel a lot better about my level of activity.

4. Meal-plan for the month ahead of time - I was doing SO WELL with this one until one day, I left my planner at home and it sat there for over a month.  I am working on a plan to improve our grocery shopping/meal plan organization system so I will update this one once the system is in place and working.

5. Get the house short sold and move to a bigger place to rent - Wow, was it really not that long ago that we were in this place mentally and emotionally, not to mention financially?  I have talked a lot lately about how much our situation is the same as it has been for the past year but I just have so much more peace and feel content to stay in our home, as small as it is, and as old/breaking down as it is.  Thank you Lord for perspective and always providing what we need not necessarily what we want lest we become totally self-absorbed.

6. Live simpler. Purge items, organize. Work on one room at a time - We have done a lot in this area with Projectpalooza and I know you guys are still waiting for updates and photos on that.  I will get there, I promise!!!  We have donated a TON of old books, clothes, baby stuff, and even furniture in the past few months and are setting our focus on the garage next.

7. Build family emergency kits by 2/1/13 - Keep forgetting about this one but I think this will go along with our next project.  Details to come later!

What goals has your family created and actually worked towards this year?

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