
Friday, March 28, 2014


It's been a while since I've blogged about anything.  I was doing pretty well on my Empty Shelf Challenge but wasn't reading anything worth blogging about.  Just more for entertainment.  We've been remodeling our bathroom for the past month and that'll be wrapped up within the next week. And I will definitely be posting pictures.  This project is long overdue!  Benji has his first loose tooth, Calah's hair has really started to fill in and she has mastered the English language and getting herself changed and dressed (she's crazy!), and Jo has been doing much better with potty accidents and talking without all the whining and fit-throwing to which we've grown accustomed (not fond, accustomed).

But, the biggest change is that after much prayer, thought, planning, we've decided that it was time for me to come home.  My last day of work is next Thursday, April 3rd.  I've been so torn, frustrated, and weary lately.  Balancing work and motherhood is one of the hardest things I've ever done.  And I've done it since Benji was born six years ago.  Full-time, year-round employment.  I'm really excited about what's to come and am trying to prepare myself as much as possible through:

1. Prayer and seeking God's wisdom and guidance
2. Writing a daily/weekly schedule
3. Writing and actually following-through on weekly meal planning
                **As a subset of this, I'm searching for more from-scratch recipes and am planning some diy food projects.
4. Getting the boys time to work on their kindergarten and preschool skills books
5. Looking into preschool options for Jo in the fall
6. Cleaning up the yards and re-cleaning/organizing the garage.  Remember this?  Yeah, it's even worse now.
7. Bringing in some extra income.  I've already been looking for babysitting jobs.  I'm reading up on becoming a licensed in-home daycare provider, but anyone with experience, please share some my way!

Before I was thinking about coming home, I set up a job interview for a part-time paralegal position locally.  It's an entry-level position and it's close to home. Those are very rare and since I don't have any experience yet, just a certificate, I felt like I should keep this interview.  So, next Friday, April 4th, I am interviewing.  So, I could use some prayer warriors on that front because I'm a bit torn and am not sure what I'd do for childcare, which would potentially only be needed a couple hours three days/week thanks to Hubs' mostly-afternoons schedule.

"Trust in the LORD with all of your heart, lean not on your own understanding.  In all of your ways, acknowledge HIm, and He will direct your paths" - Prov 3:5-6

We are trusting God in this whole process that He will open doors for things that probably wouldn't have been possible without this change.

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