
Thursday, April 3, 2014

Goals Update - 1st Quarter

Goals update! Since we set the original goals for 2014, things have changed, so inevitably, some of our goals had to change, too.  So, here are the updates and additions of new goals.

1. Finish up Baby Step 2 by the end of the year

At this point, we have my 2013 medical bills (thank you FAI surgeries!), Hubs' student loan, and my student loan left. Current Expected Completion: December - We're planning to save all extra money coming in this year since our income will be somewhat unstable until we get settled into this new situation.  Once we know more how things are going to shake out, we'll be able to start using the money to put into the house and paying off debt as well as saving for our 10-year vow renewal celebration.

2. Organize garage

We need to clean it out once again and set up stations with more buckets. We already have heavy duty shelves all around the garage but we're not using them efficiently. Need to "pinterest" (c'mon, 10 years ago, Google wasn't a verb either...) some ideas. - This is still a definite in the plans; the only problem is that we're in the beginning of April and have only had about 1.75 nice days so far this year.  But, this will get done.  We're also planning on getting a new garage door once the organization part is done so that we can start parking at least one of the vehicles in there again.  It's only been since 2011...

3. Career movement

Hubs is looking for a full-time job that will allow for more family time and we are praying for the opportunity of full-time ministry for him. I would love to start working in the paralegal field. I completed my certification in May and then had surgery, so that had to be put on hold for the moment. My first, concrete, short-term goal is to get involved with the IPA in my area for networking and learning opportunities. - This is where the biggest change is happening.  Due to the difficulties we've had finding a regular babysitter over the past month, our mind-set shifted.  You can read about it here.

4. Read one book per month

I need to create a list of the books I want to read this year but I'm sure I can easily come up with 12. Some fiction, some career, some christian living/family books. - I've done fairly well on this one.  So far this year, I've read Creative Correction by Lisa Whelchel, Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? by Mindy Kaling, and most of Waiting To Be Heard by Amanda Knox.  Hubs and I were teaching a class and putting together curriculum in addition to other things we've been involved with so far this year, so the past month has not given me much time to read.  But, I'm hoping to finish the Knox book and then move on to Orange Is the New Black by Piper Kerman.  I like autobiographies, can you tell?

Confession Time: In February, we did poorly re: eating out but March was better.  April's budget for eating out is already gone, so we're going to have to start being more intentional in our planning, scheduling, and when we say yes to invites.  We love our friends and family and want to spend more time with them.  But, we'll just have to find ways to do that for free or inexpensively.

I haven't seen the inside of the gym in about seven weeks.  I'm planning to go starting next week, at least twice.  Now that I don't have to get up at 5AM to go, I think I'll have more success.  We are playing volleyball right now and I have been walking a bit more, so I've at least been doing something that resembles exercise.

Thanks for reading!  I'd love to hear how your goals are progressing so far this year.  Let's keep each other accountable!

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